Discover the Beauty of Thun Old Town: Things to Do, Tips For 2024

Y’all know when I hit up a new place, I’m all about diving into the old town vibes. There’s something special ’bout those historic districts that just ain’t replicated in the newer parts of a city. You get to mingle with the locals, soak in the architecture, and feel the real heartbeat of the place.

Take Thun, this gem of a Swiss city nestled in Bernese Oberland. Sure, it might not be as huge or hyped as Bern or Lucerne, but let me tell ya, Thun’s Old Town packs a sneaky charm that’s downright delightful to wander through.

So, today, I’m fixin’ to show y’all the most stunning spots in Thun Old Town. These scenes will surely light a fire under your wanderlust and have you hankerin’ for a visit to Thun. I’ll spill the beans on where they’re at and how you can sniff ’em out. Ready to roll? Let’s dive in!

Ever wondered why Thun’s worth a visit? Well, here’s the scoop.

Thun’s got that special somethin’. It’s one of the rare Swiss cities with a castle right next to a well-preserved old town. And let me tell ya, it’s a real looker sittin’ snug by Lake Thun in Bernese Oberland—talk about breathtaking scenery.

Think of Thun as a pint-sized Lucerne. You’ve got flower-adorned wooden bridges, a happening city center by the lake, and guess what? Mountains are just a hop away, less than an hour’s jaunt. It’s like Lucerne’s little cousin, packed with charm and adventure.

Sure thing, here’s a rephrased version with the important points emphasized:

Now, let’s circle back to Thun…

I’ve been raving about Thun’s beauty, but maybe you’re not sure where exactly it is. So, where’s Thun and its old town, you ask?

Thun sits about 30 kilometers south of Bern—a quick 20-minute train ride or roughly a 30-minute drive away. Just like most European cities, the old town is right smack in the heart of Thun. Picture this: if you looked down from above, you’d spot Thun Old Town right where the River Aare meets the north end of Lake Thun.

Beautiful Things To See In Thun Old Town (Picture-Perfect Places)

Beautiful Things To See In Thun Old Town

Growing up surrounded by islands, seeing alpine cities like Thun feels incredibly unique to me. Our cities are mostly by the coast, the complete opposite of Thun’s charm. I’m awestruck by the Old Town’s cozy vibe, set against those always snow-capped mountains nearby.

While exploring, I stumbled upon something surprising: Thun has a teeny island right in the middle of the Aare River. It’s called Bälliz and it’s a hub of stores, restaurants, and cozy cafes—a perfect chill spot after a day of city wandering.

We don’t have anything like that back home—**shopping districts on an island in the river**? Too cool.

Anyway, let’s talk about the beautiful scenes you’ll find in Thun Old Town, especially when you start your journey arriving by train. The view might vary if you’re driving in.

Now, getting to Bälliz from Thun train station? Piece of cake. No need for buses; a short five-minute walk will land you right on the islet.

Note: If you come by car, chances are you’ll spot Thun Castle first, as the nearest parking sits under its hill. Follow the pedestrian path—it’ll lead you straight to the castle grounds.

1. Obere & Untere Schleuse

Let’s say you hop off the train in Thun—best way to kick off your adventure? Take a stroll down Aarefeldstrasse. It’s the street that shoots right out from the train station, leading you straight to the first stop on your Thun tour: Obere Schleuse.

Now, you might wonder, what’s Obere Schleuse all about? Well, it’s one of Thun’s 18th-century covered wooden bridges, also serving as locks to keep the city safe from floods. You’ll find it at the southern end of Bälliz, connecting the island to Aarefeld, the zone around the train station.

The second wooden wonder, known as Untere Schleuse (Lower Lock), is your gateway from the island to Mühleplatz in the Old Town. It’s the third bridge on the northern edge of Bälliz from Obere Schleuse.

Come warmer days, these covered bridges get a vibrant makeover courtesy of the locals. Colorful flowers deck ’em out, adding a unique rustic charm against the turquoise waters of the Aare River. It’s a sight to behold in Thun, no doubt.

Thun’s got quite a few bridges spanning the River Aare, and these covered wooden ones? They’re more than just for crossing—they offer a simple, rustic experience worth trying.

Step inside these covered bridges, and you’ll not only see sturdy wooden beams shaping the ceilings but also catch a glimpse of the lock’s mechanical bits. Pretty neat to ponder how they work, right?

Now, here’s a fun tidbit: come summertime, you might spot locals surfing the rapids under these bridges. Keep an eye out, ’cause they might pull off some cool tricks!

2. View of Thun Castle from Bällizbrücke

View of Thun Castle from Bällizbrücke

You’ve probably heard about Thun Castle—it’s the bigwig landmark in town. You can’t miss it; it’s the tallest building in Thun Old Town, standing tall enough to spot from Lake Thun and some highways heading into the city.

Sitting high up on a hill, Thun Castle peeks out from various spots in the Old Town. Head to the town’s squares or parks, and you’ll catch sight of it rising above the rooftops.

But here’s the kicker: the most stunning view of Thun Castle ain’t from a park or square. Nope, it’s from a bridge called Bällizbrücke.

This footbridge links the central part of Bälliz to Rathausquai in Thun Old Town. And get this—the bridge’s length lines up perfectly with the castle, and its railings create a visual path that makes the landmark stand out even more.

It’s a simple sight of the castle, but oh-so-picture-perfect, right? I love how those two trees greet you at the heart of Old Town Thun, right at the end of the bridge!

To me, Bällizbrücke is a real hidden gem in Thun.

Not just because it’s a spot few tourists find out about, but also because the path to this bridge is kinda tucked away in Bälliz. If you’re in Bälliz, look for an alley across from Kaffeemühle (a coffee shop)—that’s the way to Bällizbrücke!

3. Obere Hauptgasse and Town Hall Square

Ever stumbled upon an old, fancy house in your country? I’ve done that countless times and every time, I think, “Imagine if all buildings were this beautiful!”

Old-world architecture? I’m all about it. It never fails to fill me with wonder whenever I come across these historic buildings.

Unlike modern architecture, these old-style buildings aren’t just about looks. They’re packed with human creativity, focusing on human values and well-being, not just making money or new tech.

In Thun Old Town, dating back to the Middle Ages, you’ll find these gorgeous houses. Head to Town Hall Square for the most charming ones and catch a glimpse of the oldest structures in town. Plus, it’s another stunning spot to view Thun Castle.

In Town Hall Square, you’ll spot three standout buildings:

1. Hotel Rathaus—the oldest brick house in Thun, dating back to the 14th century.

2. Town Hall—a 15th-century building with captivating historic charm.

3. Burgerhaus Thun—an 18th-century late-baroque building exuding notable elegance.

Picture yourself in Town Hall Square, facing Thun Castle. Look to your right, and you’ll catch sight of Obere Hauptgasse—Thun Old Town’s main and longest street.

Now, I mentioned earlier why Thun is special, but strolling through Obere Hauptgasse reveals even more uniqueness!

This street stands out because its pavements are raised. Picture this: both sides of the main street have pavements above shops whose entrances open onto the street.

It’s one of Switzerland’s most distinct street architectures, and when flowers bloom or during summer, locals deck the railings of the raised pavements with colorful blooms. That’s when Obere Hauptgasse truly shines.

But, even without flower decorations, Obere Hauptgasse is a sight to behold. The charming pastel-colored facades of the buildings give the street an enchanting old-world vibe.

Read Also: Thun Walking Tour

4. View from Thun Castle’s Tower

View from Thun Castle’s Tower

Thun is often called the Gateway to Bernese Oberland. It’s where the canton of Bern starts showcasing some of the most breathtaking views of the Bernese Alps.

While you can catch a glimpse of the Jungfrau massif from Bern, the views from Thun are something else. Head to Schadau Park (a 15-minute stroll from the train station), and you’ll be greeted by a dreamy panorama of Lake Thun and those snow-capped peaks.

But if you want a view that’ll leave you breathless, Thun Castle is the spot to hit up.

This towering castle, standing as tall as a 10-floor building on a hill, offers climbable towers for the best cityscape. It’s a bit of a hike, but totally worth it for the jaw-dropping views.

From the castle’s windows, you’ll soak in heavenly scenery—city, lake, and mountains all in one view. And the iconic sight? That’s the Thun Central Church set against the stunning Bernese Oberland backdrop.

Now, to get to the castle, there are a few ways, but if you’re in Thun Old Town, the most picturesque route is through Kirchtreppe. This historical wooden staircase links Obere Hauptgasse to Thun Castle and Thun Central Church. Plus, those charming gables along the way will inspire some stunning photos as you climb to the castle grounds.

5. Skyline of Thun from Bächimattpromenade

Thun Old Town might be just a small piece of modern Thun, but it stands out. You can easily spot it, thanks to Thun Castle perched right in the heart of the Old Town.

When I first laid eyes on Thun’s skyline, it reminded me of those enchanting Disney Castle scenes at the start of Disney movies.

Thun Castle, reigning over the panorama with the River Aare below, gives off that magical vibe. It’s one of the most enchanting scenes in Bernese Oberland—a must-see for everyone.

Now, to catch a view of Thun from Lake Thun, you’ve got two ways.

Firstly, the obvious one—hop on a boat ride in the River Aare that flows into Lake Thun.

Start from Thun and take a boat ride towards other spots like Oberhofen Castle. Find a spot on the left side of the boat for views of Thun Castle. As the boat sails away, you’ll witness the stunning panorama of Thun, just like in the photo.

If you’ve got a Swiss Travel Pass, you’re in luck—it covers boat, bus, and train rides, making travel easy if you’re exploring Switzerland for a week or more.

Another way to catch the stunning Thun skyline is by hiking along the picturesque Bächimattpromenade, a lakeside pathway. It stretches from the River Aare near Old Town Thun to the Hünibach ferry terminal.

To reach Bächimattpromenade from Old Town Thun, take a 15-minute stroll along the eastern banks of the River Aare toward the lake or hop on bus #21 to the Thun Freienhof bus stop. There’s parking by the bus stop if you’re driving.

The boats parked along the riverbank mark the start of Bächimattpromenade, offering a magical view of Thun Old Town’s skyline with Thun Castle and Thun Central Church—a sight worth capturing!

If time allows, I highly recommend continuing along Bächimattpromenade for more fairytale-like scenes. After another 15-minute walk towards Lake Thun, you’ll spot Schadau Castle across the River Aare. The view is breathtaking!

At the end of Bächimattpromenade in Hünibach ferry terminal, if you’ve got a powerful camera, you can capture a stunning shot of Schadau Castle.

And that sums up the beautiful spots I highly recommend visiting in Thun. If you swing by Thun, I hope these tips make your trip fantastic! 😊 Enjoy life to the fullest!


Where is the best viewpoint of Lake Thun?

The best viewpoint of Lake Thun is from the top of Harder Kulm. The panoramic vistas from this vantage point offer breathtaking views of the entire lake and the surrounding mountains.

Is Thun worth seeing?

Absolutely! Thun is a picturesque town nestled along the shores of Lake Thun, boasting a charming old town, a historic castle, beautiful landscapes, and a relaxing ambiance. It’s definitely worth a visit.

Is it worth staying in Thun?

Staying in Thun can be a delightful experience. The town offers a convenient base for exploring the Bernese Oberland region, with its stunning natural beauty and proximity to various attractions. Plus, Thun itself has a tranquil atmosphere and plenty to explore.

Why visit Thun?

Thun has a lot to offer! From its stunning lakeside setting to its medieval old town, historic sites like Thun Castle, outdoor activities such as hiking and boating, and its proximity to the Swiss Alps, Thun is a perfect blend of culture, nature, and relaxation.

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